1607th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law,
Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles
archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: Drawing attention to potential impact of commercial pressures may create new risk, reply barristers. Barristers are concerned by the Bar Standards Board's (BSB) view that commercial pressures could compromise their ethics at the Bar. Full story - Solicitors Journal
FOCUS OF THE DAY: Drawing attention to potential impact of commercial pressures may create new risk, reply barristers. Barristers are concerned by the Bar Standards Board's (BSB) view that commercial pressures could compromise their ethics at the Bar. Full story - Solicitors Journal
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Saturday Conversations on Law |
- Dentons axes 50 UK roles in business services move to Warsaw | The Lawyer https://t.co/5FoBigiORb
- Lloyd’s of London GC heads for XL Group | The Lawyer https://t.co/j8ExkPhm79
- Tobacco giants to appeal High Court dismissal of plain packaging challenge | The Lawyer https://t.co/Cas3mQiSIi
- US and French firms line up for FMC’s $13bn oil merger with Technip | The Lawyer https://t.co/Os4cJrGpbb
- TLT’s turnover jumps 15 per cent to £71.6m | The Lawyer https://t.co/EUm7fj7q2C
- WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff hires Addleshaws partner for GC role | The Lawyer https://t.co/1gLF0I4lNT
- Predictive coding: Where now? | The Lawyer https://t.co/Wvdt2WiRlh
- Browne Jacobson revenues grow 9 per cent to £64m | The Lawyer of law https://t.co/ClW81fecls
- Teenage girls detained over baby kidnap plot https://t.co/5mm0h4PFUe
- Pressure mounts over 'men only' Muirfield golf vote https://t.co/wIVrVGIj6v
- Naked woman sandcastle police apologise for 'bad taste' sculpture https://t.co/LMTWbGvvPM
- Hampton stabbing: Four women attacked near car park https://t.co/wmFd4UkPLR
- Buckingham Palace wall scaled by convicted killer https://t.co/W1LZOJUqYc
- Elite Australian King's School caught in sheep-tackling furore #AUSTRALIA https://t.co/Y94XzFV0rW
- Paris attack suspect refuses to speak at first French court hearing #FRANCE https://t.co/C0sjSH7T7w
- The latest TheLawMap Wig! https://t.co/de2oUasZEs
- San Francisco police chief quits amid racism row #US https://t.co/Oi7jxXwZqc
- End-of-term students risk missing referendum vote https://t.co/rY1odXyUcI
- Man faces trespass charge after Buckingham Palace breach https://t.co/Vq9GqpcwpV
- 20% rise in transactions by 2020 - if only things hadn't changed... https://t.co/JaAoy2uyTe
- ‘Legal Airbnb’ Spoke becomes one of first UK users of ‘.law’ domain name https://t.co/pbudnevnBI
- Supreme Court finds UK life sentencing unconstitutional, but grants European Arrest Warrant https://t.co/u74ukxec4R
- Plans to introduce a British Bill of Rights should enhance existing protections https://t.co/mcM99kqfDT
- Opposition to repeal of UK’s Human Rights Act galvanises https://t.co/bGCNYpxC3H
- End of Insolvency Shield for UK Insurers? https://t.co/6EkJSuqII6
- Senate passes bill exposing Saudi Arabia to 9/11 legal claims #US https://t.co/OM28eq3cJF
- Are Anti-Israel Boycotts Legal? Doesn’t Look Like It #US https://t.co/4pHv772lqT
- Children Win Another Climate Change Legal Case In Mass Supreme Court #US https://t.co/Rrggnc5w2i
- Turkish journalist sued by state stripped of legal rights over her children #TURKEY https://t.co/w9h7KiJfHn
- Toronto delivers warning shot to pot dispensaries #CANADA https://t.co/mCEiaNs6gk
- Deutsche Bank sees further big legal costs in 2016 https://t.co/dsHwJkzp9R
- Criminalising people for thinking bad thoughts spreads extremism https://t.co/nkzODvVu42
- Here's the one law that should have been included in the Queen's Speech https://t.co/8AHe9jheEJ
- Justin Trudeau is a champion for women – but his wife is under attack #CANADA https://t.co/fVGehaM2lp
- The Queen's Speech was the most illiberal for a generation https://t.co/LZYO13RhXZ
- Labour has a problem with anti-Semitism? I had no idea https://t.co/KjiQviaX0O
- Jewish cemetery vandalised in Manchester in 'abhorrent act of anti-Semitism' https://t.co/heYuPLHQDc
- Video captures man being beaten unconscious then dragged in front of a London bus https://t.co/d92VR595oq
- #ISRAEL frees Palestinian journalist Mohammed al-Qeeq https://t.co/6pmI7bBzLs
- Two more firms fined for SDLT avoidance schemes involvement | Legal Futures: https://t.co/mCgoQ3axve
- ABS update: Online boost, Gateley income up, non-lawyers on the up and government asked to authorise BSB https://t.co/tkEt03vWT8
- Deploying ERP in the cloud – it’s not as scary as you think | Legal Futures: https://t.co/hFYvalsJvi
- EgyptAir crash: Inquiry into why Flight MS804 vanished https://t.co/3vxhd3KcPC
- Celebrity threesome: Twitter warns against illegal tweets https://t.co/Q9wCjtg7Xz
- Ruling on 'threesome' injunction establishes significant precedent https://t.co/qJvhYEyiIp
- Police expect 30,000 new child abuse reports from Goddard inquiry https://t.co/pUY3OFtAZy
- The judges are right. The secret threesome celebrities deserve protection | Max Mosley https://t.co/N4MZrzQGME
- Oklahoma legislators pass near-total abortion ban that criminalizes providers #US https://t.co/FqJw8QMWVB
- City partners to give evidence at BHS enquiry https://t.co/PXRhXCN0KF
- NRF to move 170 UK jobs to the Philippines https://t.co/KAnfQHU0mK
- Trump sidesteps Big Law for SCOTUS picks https://t.co/UDLJA6chTr
- Gateley's turnover reaches £66m in first full year as PLC https://t.co/c4bmrvOKvQ
- High Court rejects Barnetts strike-off appeal https://t.co/S8rPUH9rgD
- Law firm warns of regulatory burden for Asia-Pac financial services https://t.co/dpXGlp2m2m
- Legal industry demand may never fully recover, say US firm bosses https://t.co/hOXIMbJlmX
- Bar Council: Access to justice should be enshrined in statute | Solicitors Journal https://t.co/RnRCAaxPo6
- New wellbeing book launched for lawyers | Solicitors Journal https://t.co/HnmDguyOB7
- Supreme Court allows PJS appeal in celebrity injunction case | Solicitors Journal https://t.co/pDXARbFyo5
- LSB gives blessing to Bar Council for ABS licensing | Solicitors Journal https://t.co/G36L7S8cj9
- General counsel influence is rising, new research finds | Solicitors Journal https://t.co/IPXRchAVBU
- BSB risks eroding public confidence in the Bar, say barristers | Solicitors Journal https://t.co/NnkNEk7cHc
- ‘Grandparental leave’ will hit businesses with more red-tape, claims lawyer | Solicitors Journal https://t.co/1E9hP5SVbD
- Norton Rose to move 170 'operational roles' to the Philippines | Law Gazette https://t.co/L4yTo1JOxx
- Council debates Law Society governance | Law Gazette https://t.co/MQ7xq8bSbr
- Cripps hails record trading year | Law Gazette https://t.co/hoIIgNJDaL
- Bar regulator clears penultimate hurdle to licensing ABSs | Law Gazette https://t.co/bE4a6ozlvx
- High Court backs predictive coding in first contested case | Law Gazette https://t.co/VZcsSFVTFP
- Tougher sentences for animal cruelty proposed | Law Gazette https://t.co/1qFjlA3zSe
- Barnett's strike-off appeal rejected by High Court | Law Gazette https://t.co/4WLIE1lA6r
- Linklaters, Nabarro and Olswang lawyers to face BHS collapse questions | Law Gazette https://t.co/DJ9mFI9zhQ
- Missing a trick in Manila https://t.co/BmnO8dyVLU
- Missing a trick in Manila | Law Gazette https://t.co/s960pTD3fD
- Sexism row over Neil Hamilton's maiden assembly speech https://t.co/1BaOIze539
- M1: Cows cause traffic to mooo-ve slowly https://t.co/sZ9CjtokJN
- Tobacco laws: Bid to overturn packaging rules dismissed https://t.co/MYTtjSvKd4
- Labour MP Pat Glass unfairly criticised for calling Derbyshire xenophobic voter 'a horrible racist' https://t.co/XcZpbmW4j5
- Man in plastic unlawfully killed 'with stone frog' https://t.co/8meEcYQ0rr
- Tobacco firms lose high court battle over plain packaging https://t.co/pjRMcxu5y4
- The celebrity threesome case risks undermining the law | Joshua Rozenberg https://t.co/KmS9g7sgOd
- Google takes right to be forgotten battle to #France's highest court https://t.co/rnpd1gFxWv
- Home Office to pay £13,000 to Iranian sex offender in deportation case https://t.co/iA2cJI2VT8
- Boston church's parishioners evicted after 12-year occupation #US https://t.co/7gQ2jgUUbm
- Gove's prison reform cannot undo the harm already inflicted by cuts https://t.co/JDeBRGU2dq
- LGBT groups' exclusion from Aids summit risks human rights, west says https://t.co/VfFnDUIhRl
- Supreme court upholds 'celebrity threesome' injunction https://t.co/WHwLF2CZrI
- Human traffickers 'using migration crisis' to force more people into slavery https://t.co/jjuyoW0djR
- Supreme court to give ruling on 'celebrity threesome' injunction https://t.co/weP7WeMj6m
- Man who fatally stabbed a lorry driver he believed to be a paedophile has been jailed for life https://t.co/k0mz9uekM8
- Muirfield to lose right to host Golf Open Championship after vote against allowing women members https://t.co/h2oEudjhQH
- Ex 'tried to protect' Bataclan victim Nick Alexander https://t.co/4eg65KbH3v
- Vauxhall Zafira B cars recalled again over fire risk https://t.co/I7tdS8kKaH
- Celebrity injunction: PJS cannot be named, says Supreme Court https://t.co/OeCH0wmxGW
- McDonald's fish: Row over sustainability 'cover-up' https://t.co/jBYcWWhjsM
- Buckingham Palace breach: Man arrested in grounds https://t.co/qywGihlZJ3
- EgyptAir crash: Plane 'made sharp turns before plunge' https://t.co/6H6dyCnNIV
- TheLawMap Wig is out! https://t.co/JC4Co1gY4i