
19th May - Law News

1606th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap

FOCUS OF THE DAY: Barristers have complained that the decision of their regulator to make public the risk of commercial pressures damaging the Bar could on its own have a negative impact on the profession’s reputation. Full story - Legal Futures

Saturday Conversations on Law
Today's video story: Angelina Jolie Pitt, the UN refugee agency's special envoy, has warned that the international humanitarian system for refugees is breaking down. Ms Jolie Pitt has been speaking as part of the BBC's World on the Move day of coverage of global migration issues. She warned against a "fear of migration" and a "race to the bottom" as countries competed to be the toughest to protect themselves.