
8th June - Law News

Edition 4547: LawNewsIndex is a UK based daily legal news archive on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Jurisprudence, Legislation, Litigation, Legal Ethics & Human Rights since 2011.

Today's Highlighted Video Story: The Reform Party has dropped two of its general election candidates after they were accused of racism and religious hate. This programme had spoken to both of the candidates and confronted them with offensive social media postings

A selection of important developments in the world of law and justice (for a comprehensive look at the news and events, please visit @theLawMap Twitter feed):

Saturday Conversations on Law
  • Two more British judges resign from Hong Kong’s top court. Democracy campaigners welcome move by Lord Sumption and Lord Collins, who cited political situation in statement
  • The teenage con artist behind a £2.5m global crime spree - Elliot Castro was 16 and selling mobile phones from a Glasgow call centre when he first conned someone out of their bank details
  • The impact of AI and cloud computing on lawyers, fees and IT budgets - The Global Legal Post
  • Prince Harry wins right to appeal against security ruling. Duke of Sussex allowed to challenge high court judgment upholding official decision on level of protection he gets
  • Onboard gambling: what law applies in a cruise ship casino miles out to sea? Cruise lines boast ‘responsible gaming conduct’ policies but in international waters, away from the laws of the land, some say it’s a case of ‘anything goes’
  • Firm defeats Legal Aid Agency's bid to slash legal aid fee for cracked trial | Law Gazette
  • Grounded aircraft claim should be held in Ukraine not London, High Court rules | Law Gazette