
5th June - Law News

Edition 4543: LawNewsIndex is a UK based daily legal news archive on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Jurisprudence, Legislation, Litigation, Legal Ethics & Human Rights since 2011.

Today's Highlighted Video Story: Throughout the Indian election campaign, Narendra Modi's nationalist BJP party relied heavily on exploiting historic Hindu-Muslim tensions. He even went so far as to call Muslims "infiltrators" during an election rally back in April, sparking accusations of hate speech by the opposition. Now that the BJP has lost its majority and the popular mandate, interesting time lies ahead:

A selection of important developments in the world of law and justice (for a comprehensive look at the news and events, please visit @theLawMap Twitter feed):

Saturday Conversations on Law
  • Google must face a £13.6bn lawsuit alleging it has too much power over the online advertising market, a court has ruled. The case, brought by a group called Ad Tech Collective Action LLP, alleges the search giant behaved in an anti-competitive way
  • Political allies back extreme right-wing Modi for third term even after he lost majority in #India's recent parliamentary election
  • Winning defendants lose out on 25% of costs for refusing mediation | Law Gazette
  • “No vision” on use of AI by family justice system - Legal Futures
  • McDonald's no longer has the exclusive right to use the label "Big Mac" in reference to chicken burgers sold in the European Union after a ruling by the EU's highest court
  • Judicial Conduct Investigations Office must comply with FoI requests, ICO finds | Law Gazette
  • The world's fossil fuel industries should be banned from advertising to help save the world from climate change, the head of the United Nations said on Wednesday