2651st Edition: LawNewsIndex is a
UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers,
Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights &
Social Justice issues.
Today's Video Focus: A Vancouver-based advocacy group is under scrutiny by provincial
officials after a report emerged claiming that it has been receiving
taxpayer money despite promoting an anti-vaccination agenda. It denies
being against vaccines.
Focus of the Day Article:
Without targets, diversity among judiciary will be slow The judiciary would be more diverse if the old secret soundings system operated, barrister and MP David Lammy has said. Lammy made the remarks while giving evidence this week to the Justice Committee on progress made following his 2017 review into the treatment of BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) people in the criminal justice system.
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Saturday Conversations on Law |
- Tory Policing Cuts: Edmonton stabbings - Four people hurt in 'random attacks' https://t.co/nZz72lbWR7
- Head of Nottingham Law School teaching law firm to join other https://t.co/FbDWACvE5M
- Trinity College Dublin law profs split over whether student newspaper bugging halls https://t.co/4gjD0uhzf
- The latest TheLawMap Wig! https://t.co/4uhIQEzBkS
- It's not 'virtue-signalling': 20 Essex Street QC hits back at critics of contextual recruitment system - Legal Cheek https://t.co/pMqG0gxZcT
- Lyft, Uber, Pinterest: Are internet unicorns really worth billions? https://t.co/HfJvYGDxXm
- Boys charged over Birmingham Grindr date robberies https://t.co/YjVrp97Oe9
- #Saudi Arabia 'hacked Amazon boss's phone', says investigator https://t.co/Yr43llaKyL
- Pinch on the bum not indecent assault in age of ‘twerking’ and internet porn, judge finds https://t.co/nUOXIA4uim
- Labour plans national bank using Post Office network https://t.co/vLuaWw9C3p
- London lawyer jailed for misleading FBI during Trump-Russia probe to face disciplinary tribunal - Legal Cheek https://t.co/0pekQqMFqg
- #Estonia to build 'robot judge' to clear case backlog - Legal Cheek https://t.co/AU97sbd6jI
- Without role models, LGBT+ junior lawyers risk ‘going back into the closet’ - Legal Cheek https://t.co/CGp2xk3h8J
- Jolyon Maugham QC suffers backlash on Twitter after calling High Court judge ‘pro-Government’ - Legal Cheek https://t.co/lhPgJ17U2y
- Lawyers among worst for phone etiquette - Legal Cheek https://t.co/ziqx3EOxh2
- Law student in hopeless 'crash for cash' claim - Legal Cheek https://t.co/JJv8gQMw2w
- I want some lawtech experience before I start my magic circle training contract - Legal Cheek https://t.co/Xb9uhsCsfo
- Would we fix our prisons if we could see what happens inside them? #US https://t.co/71K026cSkc
- City law firms prepare to overhaul training structures as SQE nears - Legal Cheek https://t.co/K3drUNNAfx
- A brief history of equitable compensation - Legal Cheek https://t.co/UeMPCpVZJa
- #Russia Ordered a Killing That Made No Sense. Then the Assassin Started Talking https://t.co/MdHbIduAIt
- Aspiring lawyers should embrace social media - Legal Cheek https://t.co/QxxVsQTgP4
- Top UK legal commentator Joshua Rozenberg confronts heckler during debate - Legal Cheek https://t.co/zJkfQdyscw
- 50 Years of Affirmative Action: What Went Right, and What It Got Wrong #US https://t.co/13HdZIPrIx
- Edinburgh Uni law students want to ban non-law undergrads from using their newly-refurbished library - Legal Cheek https://t.co/xftTeN2v31
- Linklaters and Clifford Chance latest firms to pay for gender reassignment surgery - Legal Cheek https://t.co/U5ozoDb1qO
- And the winners of the Legal Cheek Awards 2019 are… https://t.co/4HfwyLyEVv
- Litigant in person throws White Book at barrister - Legal Cheek https://t.co/P8LZRSAH6D
- Law firm ordered to compensate transgender client after ‘using her birth name’ - Legal Cheek https://t.co/bbU25wOd0I
- Knife crime: More stop and search powers for police https://t.co/dIeY9RZi69
- The latest TheLawMap Wig! https://t.co/LAAm4L4uHe
- Delays & negligence in the NHS | NLJ https://t.co/d6qkPzRj5k
- Car on fire not covered | NLJ https://t.co/yNtgo9GzLu
- Legal firsts for women in the profession | NLJ https://t.co/5gpqQRxlRY
- Blow for agile workers in gig economy | NLJ https://t.co/vFQDckIb8q
- Charter for women in law launched | NLJ https://t.co/avI4ef1BGG
- Immigration Bill human rights warning | NLJ https://t.co/cxhAhQhhR1
- Charities Appeals Supplement: March 2019 | NLJ https://t.co/vu86SyaYGF
- ‘Same old people’ are judges | NLJ https://t.co/ugWoLyTmh6
- MoJ sets out fixed costs proposals | NLJ https://t.co/BZMtgwYrlF
- Alaska judge blocks Trump on Arctic and Atlantic drilling #US https://t.co/mhyHitbzIR
- Mark Zuckerberg calls for stronger regulation of internet https://t.co/MUrMcl2ijH
- Honours system under scrutiny after sex abuser kept title for years https://t.co/CYKT4DoSPS