
28th November - Law News

2529th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: The Polish Prime Minister has said he wants Poles living in the UK to come back home, where there’s full employment and an economic boom. Channel 4 News have spoken to two Polish families who are going home because, they say, there are more opportunities there. Fourteen years ago, when the EU expanded, it was quite the opposite story, as hundreds of thousands of east Europeans came here for work. Now it’s not just Brexit and an uncertain future tempting them to return.

Focus of the Day Article:
Litigation is not a “blank cheque” and divorcing people cannot behave on the basis that they are bound to be reimbursed for their costs, a leading family law judge has warned. Mr Justice Francis said that “people who adopt unreasonable positions in litigation cannot simply do so confident that there will be an indemnity for the costs of the litigation behaviour, however unreasonable it may have been”.
Full story - Legal Futures

Saturday Conversations on Law