
27th November - Law News

2162nd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's video story: Some poor Indian families are marrying off their young daughters to older men from Arab countries to make ends meet. But in most cases, the men soon leave their new wives behind. This is a true story of one such woman. Names have been changed to protect identities.

Focus of the day story: Supreme Court Justice Lord Sumption has criticised the law of negligence and highlighted the benefits of ‘no-fault’ personal injury, in a speech that is likely to provoke controversy. Lord Sumption, who is due to retire in December 2018, also commented that there is currently an unacknowledged trend among the judiciary towards strict liability. His speech last week to the Personal Injuries Bar Association, ‘Abolishing personal injuries law—A project’, noted that greater numbers of claims are being brought—he cites figures of about 250,000 claims in 1973 compared to 1.2 million in 2013–14. Full story - New Law Journal

Saturday Conversations on Law