
16th June - Law News

1634th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap

FOCUS OF THE DAY: claims management company has been banned from repeating an advertisement accusing solicitors of overcharging by 20%. The regional press ad was run on behalf of Recovery Ltd, trading as It highlighted the ‘top 5 ways your solicitor rips you off’ and said it could help people to get back the sums overcharged. The website added: ‘The amount solicitors are supposed to charge for their services are [sic] covered by legislation - but in reality many ignore these guidelines… Discover the tricks law firms use to get extra from you.’  Full story - The Law Society Gazette

Saturday Conversations on Law
Today's video story: As the EU referendum debate approaches its climax, Jeremy Paxman takes viewers on a journey to the heart of Europe, meeting the movers, shakers and anonymous faces who run the EU. His central question is simple - has the UK given the power to rule it to Europe, and if so, does it matter?