- US: Law school enrollment down amid worries over job market http://t.co/pJRalZKNEc
- INDIA: Consumer courts must prioritise realty cases http://t.co/lY4vUjAgpG
- INDIA on trial as gang rape verdict is due http://t.co/f2MB9fyK96
- Trial of EGYPT ex-president Mubarak postponed http://t.co/PDpfPCUmDw
- INDIA: 2G - RTL says trial court should await outcome of SC hearing http://t.co/nTADg2O11y
- Iraqi Single Mom And Tech Lawyer Suing George W. Bush for War Crimes http://t.co/925IpHUPJd
- PAKISTAN: Cleric Cleared in Pakistan Blasphemy Case according to his lawyer http://t.co/9U7lpPegSx
- US: ‘Victim 5’ reaches settlement in Penn State-Sandusky scandal; 25 others expected to settle http://t.co/jP26nI9Jdf
- Go Home, Legal Aid and Mental Capacity - The Human Rights Roundup | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/uRNjQZ5tpw
- Judicial review proceedings may be terminated by government | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/hC2vaIl6oo
- European Commission fines and their compliance with Article 6 | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/YxKx6WO703
- No obligation enforceable within the UK to oblige government to comply with Strasbourg | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/iMaHRm8Ap4
- Mental health detention powers must be reviewed urgently, says Parliamentary Committee | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/F2g8VpVmtm
- Imposing strict conditions on release of terrorist offender did not breach Article 8 | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/Ejej15OxCe
- TIBET: Man sentenced to death over wife’s self-immolation http://t.co/vJtIT6gaPq
- Americans Understand Rights, No Matter What Leaders Say About National Security http://t.co/W41EK7oaEp
- NEW ZEALAND: Misbehaving teachers facing disciplinary action may soon lose their automatic name suppression http://t.co/HCtTrR5h9H
- CANADA: Sports bar fined for racially discriminating Indo-Canadians http://t.co/iWzGSs0Rl0
- AUSTRALIA: No appeal for teachers charged over child porn http://t.co/o7AUfTfVTn
- CANADA: Racism complaint against Ladner cannery dismissed by tribunal http://t.co/Lmvo8JkMWm
- Former Southampton Football Club boss Nigel Adkins must wait for employment tribunal on sacking http://t.co/g8cvtj9GTo
- Police 'paid' to seek football banning orders http://t.co/85c5UAL1R3
- Undercover policing: 'You can never relax. Never let down your guard' http://t.co/FCjl3TgaWD
- Part III of The Argyll Divorce, Edinburgh 1963: The Three Stranded Pearl Necklace | The Firm http://t.co/N6rIqN35Vm
- Gideon’s Army Are On Their Way | The Firm http://t.co/ZRYzMxDoSl
- Law and finance: the benefits of collaborative working | The Firm http://t.co/fMITo9pTuT
- Scottish Government’s new proposals for Protected Trust Deed reform | The Firm http://t.co/ELvdm6Jrxp
- 60 years of the European Convention on Human Rights: The Future of ECHR | The Firm http://t.co/SqzRoOqqUz
- NEW ZEALAND: Why Should I Die for You to Get High? The Animal Welfare Implications of the Psychoactive Substances Act http://t.co/vs03RnQ9QB
- Legal battle looms over Easton Bavents erosion scheme http://t.co/0aQOCtL5Jm
- Anti-fracking firebrand and his brother the senior barrister http://t.co/Z4rSbkoR5S
- SOUTH AFRICA: Justice for Marikana deaths hangs in the balance http://t.co/X2oDvRUj9R
- CANADA: Language watchdogs say courts delay justice for English and French minorities http://t.co/Mi6mfcqX5I
- CANADA: Justice Minister and Attorney General Peter MacKay reveals justice priorities ahead of fall session http://t.co/a7ZN5NSOUx
- PAKISTAN: Justice Tassaduq nominated as acting Chief Election Commissioner http://t.co/xStxOmRBDW
- This US Law School Doesn’t Want People To Know Its Grads Fail The Bar Exam 93 Percent Of The Time http://t.co/uhCfWJJYvd
- INDIA: Judiciary urged to ensure easy access and speedy justice http://t.co/klmCGAeLWW
- MP wants legislation on Chinese lanterns http://t.co/PzqUHjSS7a
- New law, controversy imperil GUAM social workers http://t.co/np9okfbcgl
- Southampton Law student admits insurance fraud http://t.co/LC80lEPgOU
- KENYA: Legal scholars and experts concur that the Constitution is clear on implementation of devolution http://t.co/lKeUYmuvgB
- US: Obama has not delivered on May's promise of transparency on drones http://t.co/ZLYhLt5ZSx
- Blind ex-soldier fined for racism after he verbally abused the man who helped him cross a road http://t.co/0JEufNiXE8
- AUSTRALIA: Dedicated court for addicts sought for region http://t.co/XNB3w9mORt
- Banking on human rights protection for major infrastructure projects http://t.co/ppKCdlK6bm
- CANADA: New Prize Honouring Canadian Media Outlets for Excellence in Human Rights Journalism http://t.co/lQNs4lELAi
- Human rights lawyer says Irish female drug mule in PERU was kidnapped http://t.co/ynRMAOJMFa
- Human rights groups says CHINA has detained another legal activist http://t.co/HFBN5m89JD
- New Diana death information 'assessed' by Scotland Yard http://t.co/21KGOSDYgo
- UK hits Gibraltar gaming industry with draft law for 15% point of consumption tax http://t.co/GYSXSqMveM
- City law firm Taylors Vinters sells off injury practice http://t.co/xo8Q5mnpLp
- UK law blurs in posthumous sperm retrieval case: http://t.co/3NZNP3B7Py
- UK Supreme Court Clarifies Power to Restrain Foreign Proceedings | The National Law Review http://t.co/WARA53CCTn
- EGYPT detains al-Qaeda chief's brother http://t.co/WxUXinXmes