
16th May - Law News

Edition 4524: LawNewsIndex is a UK based daily legal news archive on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Jurisprudence, Legislation, Litigation, Legal Ethics & Human Rights since 2011.

Today's Highlighted Video Story: Lifestyle Equities CV and another (Appellants) v Ahmed and another (Respondents) -
The issue is: What is the nature and extent of the liability of a director, or senior executive employee, for causing a company to commit a civil wrong, for which a claim can be brought without a finding of fault by the wrongdoer (e.g. a ‘strict liability tort’)? Here, the strict liability tort was trademark infringement. If a director is legally responsible for the tort, can they be ordered to pay profits made as a result of the tort to the wronged part (e.g. a ‘account of profits’), even if those profits were not personally received? Does this extend to the director paying back the portion of their salary that was attributable to the tort? The Supreme Court unanimously dismisses Lifestyle's appeal (which argued that the Ahmeds should have been ordered to account for profits made by Hornby Street) and allows the Ahmeds' appeal.

A selection of important developments in the world of law and justice (for a comprehensive look at the news and events, please visit @theLawMap Twitter feed):

Saturday Conversations on Law
  • A man has been charged with the attempted murder of #Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico after the politician was seriously hurt in a shooting attack. The assailant has not been formally named, but Slovak reports have widely identified him as a 71-year-old
  • Outdated laws stalling progress on women’s rights in 20 countries across Africa – study. Family law has not kept up with social shifts, with marital rape, child marriage and lack of property and custody rights persistent problems, research finds
  • Calls grow in House of Lords to extend SRA's unlimited fining powers to SLAPPs cases | Law Gazette
  • Peers support widening SRA's fining and investigative powers - Legal Futures
  • Hillsborough disaster inquiry solicitor succeeds in legal aid appeal | Law Gazette
  • Law Society Council votes to establish committee to consider how to ensure ‘equality of arms’ at SDT | Law Gazette
  • A man has pleaded not guilty to chopping down the world-famous Sycamore Gap tree. Daniel Graham, 38, and Adam Carruthers, 31, were charged with criminal damage both to the tree and to Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland