
20th May - Law News

Edition 3432: LawNewsIndex is a UK based daily legal news archive on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Jurisprudence, Legislation, Litigation, Legal Ethics & Human Rights since 2011  


 Today's Highlighted Video Story: Want the latest information on the SQE? Targeted at aspiring solicitors, get the facts ahead of its September introduction. Learn about: What the SQE and new way of qualifying involves. Potential options for training and qualifying under the SQE. What to expect on the day of an SQE1 assessment. Reasonable adjustments for candidates. Registration and booking process. Assessment timings and when and where you can sit it. 

  Focus of the Day Article:
Continued discontent with the disclosure pilot scheme in the Business and Property Courts has been outlined by a new poll of lawyers suggesting most are still unhappy with it. A survey of 250 senior legal professionals at UK law firms found 97% expressed frustration with aspects of the pilot scheme and 70% deemed it unfit for purpose at present. Full story - Law Society Gazette
Saturday Conversations on Law