2483rd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a
UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers,
Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights &
Social Justice issues.
Today's Video Focus: Greenpeace India has completely denied receiving any foreign funds -
despite being raided by the Enforcement Directorate and having their
accounts frozen under that suspicion. In an exclusive interview to NDTV,
the Executive Director of Greenpeace in India, Kshithij Urs, called the
action "harassment" and said the investigators came into Greenpeace
offices in Bengaluru without a warrant.
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Saturday Conversations on Law |
- Facebook hack victims will not get ID theft protection https://t.co/FqiCkhZUBV
- Lawyer for limo company denies safety violations led to deadly crash #US https://t.co/ctFouSZoLZ
- Solicitor visits parliament in Westminster for new report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Acquired Brain… https://t.co/LLbPr3GQF
- The latest TheLawMap Wig! https://t.co/RCb43Xjdbc
- Derry solicitor denies legal aid fraud charges in court https://t.co/R6LigSTrO
- Rogers Solicitors welcomes litigation solicitor Niall McShane https://t.co/Lf6QZNSnwM
- Solicitor motivated by 'simple greed' jailed over crash for cash insurance scam https://t.co/MF90mqKJo
- This conservative supreme court could care less about human rights #US https://t.co/0EJLSHHgWn
- Can service providers now have their gay marriage cake and eat it? https://t.co/CfG2sf1JhH
- Kavanaugh case requires caution #US https://t.co/OSo9EZvhO6
- Grieving families deserve legal aid https://t.co/DV1GlaP19z
- UK consumers could lose EU legal rights in event of no-deal Brexit https://t.co/RZ9HslkqoU
- UK counter-terrorism plans cross line on human rights, say MPs https://t.co/kLfcmg1pe
- David Parnham, Lincoln man, admits sending 'Punish a Muslim Day' letters https://t.co/fOK0cXVstF
- Tushar Mehta appointed as the new Solicitor General of #India https://t.co/16lYRkhpl4
- #India's Hindu hardliners are forcing meat sellers to shut shops in Gurugram, which is home to global outsourcing f… https://t.co/Il2W9facii
- Mother-of-three Sophie Skinner jailed for false rape claim https://t.co/IYT7EtxDOw
- Turkey 'has recording proving #Saudi murder' https://t.co/WMG3m4Uya1
- Westminster attacker was lawfully killed, inquest jury decides https://t.co/uXlO7qOAyV
- Let's be honest - some bits of the PI industry are rotten | Law Gazette https://t.co/Q2KSK69NA6
- IBA Rome: Artificial intelligence must mean strict liability – and higher insurance premiums | Law Gazette https://t.co/P47dDowkiG
- MoJ braced for backlash over proposed 32% judges' pay hike | Law Gazette https://t.co/Kzo1pYY2w
- Law Society calls for independent review of legal aid | Law Gazette https://t.co/4Q4YFNcX7l
- Separate Welsh justice system 'inevitable' says counsel general | Law Gazette https://t.co/avvjmdv9o
- Barristers to face new standard of proof in disciplinary cases | Law Gazette https://t.co/MrAKHf8ZT
- Law firms face ethnicity pay gap headache | Law Gazette https://t.co/dIS0CF0E7
- No-deal Brexit would halt European lawyer scheme overnight, says SRA | Law Gazette https://t.co/pbRlpd5cO
- Lord Chancellor v Blavo: 'a number of explanations' for similarities in files | Law Gazette https://t.co/mIv6hNPefw
- Lawyer: Death row inmate's choice of electric chair was not a stall tactic #US https://t.co/CwPfB1oBMm
- Christoph Ernst to be next EPO Vice-President for Legal and International Affairs https://t.co/kVlcoo1DHq
- Man faces legal costs bill after withdrawing road accident claim #Ireland https://t.co/LGHljmOe8v
- Focus on rising costs of Indigenous legal claims as Ottawa preps financial books https://t.co/bzogdALRZU
- The legal links between Europe and the Islamic world https://t.co/DEM4kxVSUj
- Man spent dead neighbour's £6,000 on pizza https://t.co/MmA4ojFnZJ
- Fracking to start in Lancashire as legal challenge fails https://t.co/GqA3I0hFi
- Drill rapper Daniel Olaloko jailed over county lines drug scam https://t.co/hsgJPMG3oX
- Solicitor “ignored money laundering duties” | Legal Futures https://t.co/V0tdtYc7J
- Civil standard of proof a “positive incentive for solicitors” | Legal Futures https://t.co/VJZ2pBYuDp
- Law Society pledges action over solicitors’ use of NDAs | Legal Futures https://t.co/n8pO3cMBXC
- The pros and cons of publishing prices | Legal Futures https://t.co/LsCLCLz9c
- 8 October 2018 at 14:48 BST HFW launches in Abu Dhabi as part of regional expansion | The Global Legal Post… https://t.co/XHaGPqqKq0
- Please check out our 'Feminist Networking' group for articles on #feminism and #feminist issues across the world https://t.co/4ghOL9uEy
- Recordings prove Jamal Khashoggi was killed, Turkish investigators claim #Saudi https://t.co/U85UYTvOSG
- I'm undocumented. It's time to reveal what that actually means #US https://t.co/1t1rtmnWqR
- As an ex-detainee, I've seen why these immigration centres have to close https://t.co/DtntzhwTdv
- Call for a £60,000 pay rise for high court judges sparks anger https://t.co/iSvLKSa8Nd
- Coming soon to a legal tech 'app store' near you | The Global legal Post https://t.co/HY1KOmaniV
- Patisserie Valerie says finance chief arrested https://t.co/KvPIB3t8m
- HMP Lindholme prison officer unconscious after inmate attack https://t.co/Bvk4Fhj080
- Report highlights counsel under pressure to manage efficiencies | The Global Legal Post https://t.co/FhfMXcVYXp
- The latest TheLawMap Wig! https://t.co/ofnLkHJgQm
- First follow-on cartel damages case reaches judgment in UK | The Global Legal Post https://t.co/EtRnCV96sM
- AAI paper calls for new merger control policy and key reforms | The Global Legal Post https://t.co/4CsIwVtntd
- Burness Paull’s office turns pink and blue for Baby Loss Awareness Week 2018 https://t.co/4KPnnPmMwu
- Faculty hosting Hamlyn Lecture by Robin Allen QC https://t.co/sSK5umUlcI
- Gildeas secures damages for client accused of fraud following traffic collision https://t.co/NeYpTqrNnc
- Abortion decriminalisation bill to be introduced at Westminster https://t.co/bRp658IUqn
- Rangers succeeds in intellectual property case https://t.co/lMz2a8fjFX
- Lawyers of Tomorrow – Sara Hall https://t.co/GlkCluQy6g
- Man who spat on sheriff faces imprisonment https://t.co/uLkP5P5TZV
- Britain’s treatment of migrants is shameful. These detentions must end https://t.co/Jq2e1OEYyW
- Scots lawyers in New York aim to help students hoping to qualify in the US https://t.co/P84bIbO4D
- After a short illness, Murray Alexander Sinclair died on 27 September 2018 at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary… https://t.co/kGaxH3mRMA
- Windrush generation: Back home after 25 years https://t.co/4YfuEyUmM0
- Legal aid access and no family separations: an immigration detention wishlist https://t.co/sDnzWOjdIE
- Woman convicted of attempted murder loses appeal over ‘provocation’ claim https://t.co/43BPsht8JI
- Savills: Brexit uncertainty to delay recovery in London housing market as provinces prove their worth https://t.co/22E16p2Okc
- France to request ECtHR opinion on transcription of foreign birth certificates for surrogate children https://t.co/YxiPYTlwxC
- The Guardian view on immigration detention: don’t look away | Editorial https://t.co/FR3AGl032p
- Karen White: how 'manipulative' #transgender inmate attacked again https://t.co/ItIntkQL8a
- Immigration detention staff 'thought suicidal man had toothache' https://t.co/FGQjTOuCw9
- 'Out of control': prison watchdog warns of synthetic drug crisis https://t.co/xQQDWvHoAn
- Transgender prisoner Karen White, 52, admitted sexually assaulting women in female prison https://t.co/mtJTFmKs4R
- My grandfather Nelson Mandela fought apartheid. I see the parallels with Israel | Nkosi Zwelivelile https://t.co/W0Vz3eW0dt
- US-Egyptian man was tortured by Egypt security forces, says rights group https://t.co/izgOfd7iSa
- Failure to disclose vital evidence in criminal cases growing, says watchdog https://t.co/4Hw5abCr9G
- Worse than prison: life inside Britain's 10 deportation centres https://t.co/nOk2320a8C
- Car groups condemn grant cuts for electric and hybrid vehicles https://t.co/6JF873V0jd