2302nd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a
UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers,
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Social Justice issues.
Today's Video Focus: Debate has been raging about whether privileged white South African farmers deserve special attention under Australia's humanitarian visa program. Like many issues in Australia, it is split along partisan lines. Conservatives highlight horrendous violence suffered by farmers and say they would integrate well in Australia unlike immigants from Asia, while progressives say the motivation is more about race. According to police figures, 71 people were murdered on South African farms in the year to March 2017, but farmers say that figure does not reflect the full extent of the violence.
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Saturday Conversations on Law |
- #Syria air strikes: UK publishes spurious legal case for military action https://t.co/w7JNOmi8Am
- He Died 21 Years After Being Abused. Prosecutors Are Calling it Murder #US https://t.co/M1GsDJPn4a
- Experts on trial: lessons from R v Pabon | NLJ https://t.co/1RsJW9NCsZ
- Sister of Korean ‘Nut Rage’ Heiress Accused of Throwing Her Own Tantrum https://t.co/Apy0WMjU3b
- Conveyancing shake-up welcomed | NLJ https://t.co/gLpC1FZCnm
- Access after Brexit remains uncertain | NLJ https://t.co/dSMopLtqlE
- Family 'terrorised' in machete raid at farm in East Kilbride https://t.co/lBxkj4j7FZ
- Ancoats death: Greater Manchester Police contact investigated https://t.co/OLZ6zIxqYo
- Droylsden robber loses stolen cash in gust of wind https://t.co/qYxd2rEuxo
- The Personal Data of 346,000 People, Hung on a Museum Wall #US https://t.co/4rBaYYDrtX
- In the #MeToo Era, #France Struggles With Sexual Crimes Involving Minors https://t.co/sPO1GsBSoh
- Trump Pardoned Libby to Protect Himself From Mueller #US https://t.co/eIeFrqqUOF
- The Justice Alliance is holding a Vigil for Justice outside the Ministry of Justice on 18 April https://t.co/hIgb85dnFa
- Paris Trial Shows Faltering Evolution of a Jihadist Cell #France https://t.co/SonRvOt1yJ
- Hounding Commonwealth citizens is no accident. It’s cruelty by design | Gary Younge https://t.co/55bo0NsxRH
- Theresa May’s essential argument for Syria strikes is nonsensical | Andrew Adonis https://t.co/nEHW4Vae1v
- Safeguards have been trampled on. MPs must now get a vote on Syria | Caroline Lucas https://t.co/5UjoGxi1Bp
- #Ireland’s open border is more than a symbol. It ensures people can eat https://t.co/XajFP6RG0r
- An attack on Syria could be disastrous. But the warmongers won’t be told https://t.co/4KwaIpFxZp
- The Home Office asylum system is so bad it drove me to attempt suicide | Anonymous https://t.co/BO43AmyNvh
- PPI scandal looms large | NLJ https://t.co/r6nIfupdT9
- Trump Sees Inquiry Into Cohen as Greater Threat Than Mueller #US https://t.co/ZpJMLGMItz
- Serious Fraud Office director David Green’s replacement chosen | NLJ https://t.co/3qCwUMSuqU
- Criminal Bar steps up action in the face of cuts | NLJ https://t.co/wAgt3VFqJ5
- Pierre Sioufi, Who Sheltered ‘the Kids’ of the Arab Spring, Is Dead at 56 #Egypt https://t.co/3rNdhzTh63
- One Dead Amid Violence in 3rd Week of Protests at Gaza #Israel Fence https://t.co/XCgex0vwqh
- Test for fair dismissals has an uncertain future, following the Supreme Court’s ‘mischievous’ criticism https://t.co/LWWK2nyO19
- #Syria air strikes: Were they legal? https://t.co/fWQGpyWvxA
- Lake District authority 'violating World Heritage status' https://t.co/DMsbOVOKPS
- International Lawyers: Strike Against Syria Would Be Illegal https://t.co/uqd7Nxm9RW
- Tougher MOT tests from May will put diesel drivers in the firing line https://t.co/IoE5b8b5zi
- Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn calls Syria airstrikes legally questionable https://t.co/w53Njw0RxP
- Syria: US, UK and France launch strikes in response to chemical attack https://t.co/EhfN5XwIPJ
- Is it time for a Lasting Power of Attorney? https://t.co/rpOzbgNkew
- Disabled people lose legal aid in 99% of benefits disputes https://t.co/YmF0xZ0fwL
- Josh Hanson murder: London man on Europe's 'most wanted' list https://t.co/9yV6oZmMQQ
- Johnny Hallyday: #French Judge freezes assets in inheritance dispute https://t.co/O35kaUkiuz
- Officer treated for overdose after inhaling unknown powder #US https://t.co/0qCRSE11N6
- Rugby player Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding's contracts revoked https://t.co/nqohQnuwj2
- The latest TheLawMap Wig! https://t.co/jlSpgRpOE4
- Report: Ex-FBI Deputy Director McCabe misled investigators #US https://t.co/Nn8uiI4TxD
- Trump lawyer Michael Cohen under criminal investigation #US https://t.co/7wy6DALhYT
- I've been an NHS doctor for five years. The Home Office wants to deport me https://t.co/sPOdLw8tPe
- Vote Leave broke spending limits on industrial scale, says former staffer https://t.co/6rwVJw53R1
- Prime Minister Theresa May among cabinet members earning money as landlords https://t.co/PbSSxk1K0U
- #Syria chemical attack: UN weapons inspectors to investigate site https://t.co/M2Et133phm
- C of E bishops want immigration amnesty for 'Windrush generation' https://t.co/jgTzZ8Z0d4
- One Palestinian killed and hundreds injured in Gaza protests at the hands of #Israel https://t.co/JuvuhQdpTt
- #Indian court orders arrest of BJP politician for gang-rape and murder https://t.co/04ipTvvGOY