1210th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law,
Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles
archive brought to you by TheLawMap
Our last Saturday Law Interview featured Dr. Steven Vaughan, a former city solicitor and now a legal academic with expertise on the laws regarding the regulation of nanotechnology as well as the standard and quality of legal advice offered by corporate law firms: 'Regulating nanotechnology & the quality of corporate legal advice'.
Our last Saturday Law Interview featured Dr. Steven Vaughan, a former city solicitor and now a legal academic with expertise on the laws regarding the regulation of nanotechnology as well as the standard and quality of legal advice offered by corporate law firms: 'Regulating nanotechnology & the quality of corporate legal advice'.
Saturday Conversations on Law |
- Google's Steely Foe in Europe https://t.co/gXayP5e04v
- #CHINA Cracks Down on the 'Sport for Millionaires' - Golf https://t.co/bBAh40H418
- Serving All Your Heroin Needs: These dealers make drugs as easy to order as pizza #US https://t.co/INBGg3LphZ
- Workers Seeking Productivity in a Pill Are Abusing A.D.H.D. Drugs https://t.co/kid7JI24tW
- #Germanwings Crash Exposes History of Denial on Risk of Pilot Suicide https://t.co/2T0wpnwAWf
- Asylum, religious manifestation and minority faiths: WH v Sweden | Law & Religion UK https://t.co/qJukiOfAJZ
- Cremation “ashes” and their legal definition | Law & Religion UK https://t.co/rT1KMzjIz0
- “Free speech” or “misconduct in employment”? Rubins v Latvia | Law & Religion UK https://t.co/pgTlAXHmsv
- The Succession to the Crown Act 2013 has landed | Law & Religion UK https://t.co/OqkfBMUPXj
- Last rites for fonts – continued | Law & Religion UK https://t.co/FbZ9I35XL9
- Jehovah’s Witnesses, safeguarding and the Charity Tribunal | Law & Religion UK https://t.co/zrVqGKGNm6
- Prayers at council meetings? Not in #Canada | Law & Religion UK https://t.co/AoYfZ8Bs6z
- Religion and law round-up – 19th April | Law & Religion UK https://t.co/nBAjAm96BH
- How Conflict Entrenched the Right to Privacy | Yale Law Journal https://t.co/0Mb8MOoFtc
- Griswold's Progeny: Assisted Reproduction, Procreative Liberty, and Sexual Orientation Equality | Yale Law Journal https://t.co/MV3jBDdFCU
- Contraception as a Sex Equality Right | Yale Law Journal https://t.co/M2xAX488md
- How To Think About Law as Morality: A Comment on Greenberg and Hershovitz | Yale Law Journal https://t.co/p03OFLacb5
- Stare Decisis & Secret Law: Precedent & Publication in Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court | Yale Law Journal https://t.co/BvnmymfTbP
- Fifty States, Fifty Attorneys General, and Fifty Approaches to the Duty To Defend | Yale Law Journal https://t.co/IpoXz1zvvw
- Gay Marriage and Foreign Law | Library of Law https://t.co/oaUV09dZmb
- Income Equality and Economic Mobility | Library of Law https://t.co/1efR2pJ8tK
- The European Union sued Google under its competition law: Is It Time to Sell Google? | Library of Law https://t.co/Nwr7eHX7JV
- Why Do Some on the Left Believe in Income Equality? | Library of Law https://t.co/V3OyzVJLHW
- Marriage Equality: An Idea Whose Time Is Coming ... | Review of Law & Social Change 245 (2013) https://t.co/y9loXqRG6R
- The Future of Marijuana in the United States | Oregon Law Review 1301 (2013) https://t.co/zLJw46RNqR
- The Court affirms the Social Contract #US https://t.co/XC9f40HlL8
- Must We be Faithful to Original Meaning? https://t.co/YqUY60Ns92
- Chief Justices and Chief Executives: Some Thoughts on Jim Simon's Books | New York Law School Law Review 435 https://t.co/VeYFtP0jYs
- Crony Capitalism: Right Here, Right Now | Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 5 (2014) https://t.co/aa7LordFbl
- Where Did All the Lawyers Go? Challenging Perceptions of the Lawyer as Civic Linchpin in New Haven: 1830-1890 #US https://t.co/hbU3DtBPHS
- Determining Character: A New Perspective on Character Evidence https://t.co/K9kwmCqptI
- EU Criminal Justice Conference at University of Limerick #IRELAND https://t.co/UIsNuSgI13
- The International Criminal Court Summer School 2015: 15-19 June 2015, NUI Galway, Ireland https://t.co/h01adjAg43
- Maynooth University to Host Seminar on the Rights of Minority Groups on 20th April 2015 | Human Rights Ireland https://t.co/m7At72er6r
- Call for Papers: Victims’ Rights: An Agenda for Change (University of Limerick) | Human Rights Ireland https://t.co/vv8d4pXvj7
- The UK Modern Slavery Act: Template for Ireland or False Friend? | Human Rights Ireland https://t.co/exi9NN0tR4
- DPP v JC: Initial Observations on the Exclusionary Rule case | Human Rights Ireland https://t.co/bvS8JFoFkg
- Why we should see Andrew Lansley's diary in the run up to 2011 NHS reforms | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/x4xjA3Unep
- 'Killer Robots' and 'Conversion Therapies' - The Human Rights Round-up | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/RudKVTjkuH
- Water companies are public authorities and must therefore disclose environmental information | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/YdsMfPcGGp
- "Cold Calling" company fined £75K for breach of privacy | UK Human Rights Blog http://t.co/dQKzAoSxjn
- TheLawMap Wig is out! http://t.co/6YkwwoLYau
- Magaluf’s days of drinking and casual sex are numbered – or so Mallorca hopes http://t.co/WY78mvXITw
- Man arrested after food writer and campaigner is abused by Twitter user claiming to be former Ukip candidate http://t.co/1lPpLOTL3h
- Journalists should not face trial over payment of officials, says ex-DPP http://t.co/k14TBDfHra
- The Observer’s view on the Lord Janner case and the DPP’s Alison Saunders | Observer editorial http://t.co/vPnIFAf0g7
- The court case that proves you can't sue politicians for breaking their election promises http://t.co/9hSogXnHzd
- Video: Umbrella wielding Black Country robbers jailed after £177k crime spree http://t.co/TOlcWiZU00
- Royal Navy members charged with sex assault in Canada http://t.co/OKUDKFGl08
- Two mothers have been left bereft by a tragic accident and badly applied law http://t.co/95ShoxhCQK
- Major rescue as 15 treasure hunters get stuck in mud http://t.co/uf2XPfUPIR
- Pope Francis urges more international action on migrants http://t.co/dHfgE8khFm
- Police review UK #Anzac Day security after Australia arrests http://t.co/YkA6GZX0lT
- #SouthAfrica's President Zuma vows to end attacks on migrants http://t.co/AEbgMOPgcE