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Saturday Law Interviews are a series of conversations with
Lawyers & commentators on Law, Justice & Society. This Saturday's interview is a conversation with the
prominent Barrister Felicity Gerry, who specialises in serious and
complex fatal, sexual and financial offence cases: 'The Art of Advocacy: A
Barrister's Tale.'
- McCririck given go-ahead to face Channel 4 at employment tribunal http://t.co/JsZ4SzQ9CQ
- ZAMBIA: Judge Musonda’s bid to stop tribunal rebuffed http://t.co/SgFmbmhr6w
- NIGERIA: Census Tribunal Voids 2006 Lagos Mainland Population Figure http://t.co/7EmE784E41
- Evaluating the infringement of IP rights: should we adopt hybrid audiences? http://t.co/eTHKsJE1Vl
- George Osborne's flagship rights for shares scheme risks falling flat http://t.co/CaTiKE5yCa
- Digital rights protection and the future of writing http://t.co/6Zpq4VMYCt
- Looking to Africa's future, Obama to cite Mandela, civil rights http://t.co/zWYzHfnoAB
- Christian girl accused of blasphemy moves to Canada, lawyer in PAKISTAN says http://t.co/dWg3BIio5Z
- CANADA: Quebec plans to introduce legislation to end construction strike http://t.co/CKA43zveTD
- INDIA: Fresh law graduates turn down courtroom for corporate sector http://t.co/qX19HSt1Mm
- US: Probe finds law officers harassed African-Americans in LA suburbs http://t.co/BPSD16ZjQS
- INDIA: Special law will deter honour killings, says Sathasivam, Chief Justice of India-designate http://t.co/oZgsIpJqvV
- Legal Aid Antipathy, MoD Worries and Scrutinising Surveillance – The Human Rights Roundup | UK Humn Rights Blog http://t.co/L8MTi1Eka3
- A1P1 and property rights in the Supreme Court again | UK Humn Rights Blog http://t.co/4DmSEMvH3R
- Sacking GP from government drugs advisor post for 'anti-gay' views was lawful | UK Humn Rights Blog http://t.co/Dg4URFcFEP
- The Sun gets regulator reprimand & publishes correction for misleading on European human rights | UK Humn Rights Blog http://t.co/As1gn5JyTo
- The good Samaritan doctor and the Human Tissue Act | UK Humn Rights Blog http://t.co/LzmHg3gV0z
- Will Article 6 come to the rescue after the legal aid reforms? - Guy Mansfield QC | UK Humn Rights Blog http://t.co/zKsRuPvFAo
- A historic leap forward for equal pay claimants? | UK Humn Rights Blog http://t.co/gacFYqCmZQ
- Civil courts not open to attempts to re-run criminal trials | UK Humn Rights Blog http://t.co/rKLjZjkoMd
- US Supreme Court opens door to marriage equality, UK coming next | UK Humn Rights Blog http://t.co/fM9OdzqrDp
- Why Human Rights Activists Are Furious At Nintendo http://t.co/6KIWM55h2r
- The Regression of Human Rights in the Middle East http://t.co/3wlYOU4OlB
- Navi Pillay questions appointments to AFGHANISTAN's human rights body http://t.co/LLZ16F8IDI
- BALKANS: Human rights court decision upsets Srebrenica mothers http://t.co/iCBkZOTEL5
- EGYPT: Human Rights, post revolution: One Year in Power http://t.co/Zai68mLcGw
- SAUDI ARABIA: Sentencing of human rights activist to eight years in jail http://t.co/JXmZAh2wIO
- Murder probe after woman found dead in Greater Manchester http://t.co/2Avj4yQWJm
- INDIA: Govt wants judges fined for frequent adjournments http://t.co/4xEeZ05AdQ
- INDONESIA: Judiciary told to use shifting burden of proof in all courts http://t.co/LAsu2GC1yR
- CHINA passes law to curb special equipment accidents http://t.co/x3a9i910i2
- Heineken attacks Vince Cable's push to reform the pub industry http://t.co/ikLe8RBcKJ
- Former MP to advise council on Coventry City FC court action http://t.co/mbcmw8benv
- Drunken barrister beat up bar manager who told her to leave the pub http://t.co/sSPg2Y6Gt3
- IRELAND: Barrister accused of headbutt attack on creche director http://t.co/JofQ2AAD3B
- Barbados rapes: Police chief removed http://t.co/qWr5cHx0TV
- Snowden needs legal guarantees to return to US, father says http://t.co/sssXvo2kaX
- AUSTRALIA: Legal highs and lethal lows - Background Briefing http://t.co/b8MjGDCc4P
- SOUTH AFRICA: Mandela burial site legal battle http://t.co/SQfmuaLPs0
- Nigel Farage faces further questions over Ukip’s vetting as two officials linked to far-right party rally http://t.co/33aWCGdYHH
- Half of Britain’s mosques have been attacked since 9/11 http://t.co/vch0Ii1YH3
- What sank Julia Gillard? The truth about sexism in AUSTRALIA http://t.co/Ag1YMqeTTx
- Facebook will remove adverts from restricted content after M&S & Sky become the latest to suspend their advertising http://t.co/WcLFoqH3Pi
- After Nestlé, Aptamil manufacturer Danone is now hit by breast milk scandal http://t.co/B9SWeeENEI
- Two EDL members arrested in London at 'sponsored walk' http://t.co/Twb4r11SsU