
5th July - Law News

2382nd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: How prisons and jails across the United States have become recruiting grounds for human traffickers, who are targeting incarcerated women and trafficking them out of correctional facilities and into pimp-controlled prostitution

Focus of the Day Story: An immigration solicitor told a client an advocate's fee was five times higher than it really was and pocketed the difference in an 'appalling case' highlighted by a member of human rights organisation Justice's working party on immigration and appeals. The working party, led by former High Court judge Sir Ross Cranston, has urged tribunals to refer incompetent and dishonest practitioners to the regulator in its Immigration and Asylum Appeals - a Fresh Look report, which contains 49 recommendations to be considered by a new administrative justice body chaired by the senior president of tribunals, Sir Ernest Ryder. Full story - The Law Society Gazette

Saturday Conversations on Law