
13th July - Law News

1295th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: Austerity economics killing off civil legal aid. Chancellor Osborne’s austerity experiment slated by leading legal aid proponent. Full story - New Law Journal

Saturday Conversations on Law


12th July - Law News

1294th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
Our last Saturday Law Interview featured Dr. Steven Vaughan, a former city solicitor and now a legal academic with expertise on the laws regarding the regulation of nanotechnology as well as the standard and quality of legal advice offered by corporate law firms: 'Regulating nanotechnology & the quality of corporate legal advice'.

Saturday Conversations on Law


11th July - Law News

1293rd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
Our last Saturday Law Interview featured Dr. Steven Vaughan, a former city solicitor and now a legal academic with expertise on the laws regarding the regulation of nanotechnology as well as the standard and quality of legal advice offered by corporate law firms: 'Regulating nanotechnology & the quality of corporate legal advice'.

Saturday Conversations on Law


10th July - Law News

1292nd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: The government has loosened a controversial restriction preventing some victims of domestic abuse from accessing legal aid. Domestic abuse victims currently have to provide evidence that abuse has taken place within the past 24 months in order to qualify for legal aid. A technical provision in the civil legal aid (procedure) regulations 2012 meant that when cases reached a final hearing, legal aid could be withdrawn if the evidence was considered to be out of date. Full story - The Law Society Gazette

Saturday Conversations on Law


9th July - Law News

1291st Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: Owners and managers of small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) begin by searching the internet when looking for specialist legal help, a survey by Google has found. The online poll of 1,400 business people found that more than a third (35.6%) searched the web, compared to 21.8% who relied on their existing legal contacts and 21.4% who asked a friend or trusted person. Full story - Legal Futures

Saturday Conversations on Law


8th July - Law News

1290th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: The Law Commission is to consider replacing the existing deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) with a new scheme to better support people with care and support needs. The Mental Capacity Act states that an individual who lacks mental capacity is not capable of understanding or retaining information long enough to be able to make a decision. The DoLS were intended to provide a process for ensuring that those who lack capacity to consent to their care are deprived of their liberty only if it is in their best interests. Full story - Solicitors Journal

Saturday Conversations on Law


7th July - Law News

1289th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: Law Firms need to juggle real estate costs with providing a modern environment. Balancing the economics of growing a City law firm to keep pace with rising global markets against a backdrop of expensive office rents is a conundrum facing many managing partners. Real estate spend is, after all, the biggest cost to law firms after salaries. Full story - The Lawyer

Saturday Conversations on Law