
28th October - Law News

2498th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: The war in Afghanistan is forcing people from religious minorities to leave the country. But not everyone can afford to escape persecution and seek a new life abroad. The Afghan government has said that protecting minorities and religious freedoms are part of its duties defined by the Constitution of Afghanistan. However, with the government occupied fighting the country's war, attacks on minority groups have increased.

Saturday Conversations on Law


27th October - Law News

2497th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: Taking up Central Bureau of Investigation chief Alok Verma's case against the government for divesting him of his powers and sending him on forced leave, the Supreme Court today said a vigilance inquiry against him would be time-bound and monitored by an ex-judge. The supervision is a "one-time exception felt necessary in the peculiar facts of the case and should not be understood to be casting any reflection on any authority of the government," the court said. M Nageswar Rao, who was asked to stand in as interim CBI chief, cannot take any policy decision, said the judges. A three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi did not give any ruling on Mr Verma's deputy Rakesh Asthana, who has also challenged his forced leave.

Saturday Conversations on Law


26th October - Law News

2496th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: The former Vice President Joe Biden and the actor Robert De Niro are the latest high-profile critics of President Trump to be targeted by suspicious parcels. They join a list of targets that includes former president Barack Obama and former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The President tweeted that a large part of the anger in American society was down to the behaviour of the Mainstream Media, while some of his supporters have pointed the finger of blame at the Democrats. His critics, meanwhile, accuse him of inflammatory rhetoric.

Focus of the Day Article:
From Arizona cowgirl to supreme court, female icon reflects on end things. US Justice Sandra Day O'Connor disclose Dementia diagnoses, and offers some parting thoughts as she leaves public life for good.
Full story - The Global Legal Post

Saturday Conversations on Law


25th October - Law News

2495th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: On creating the sculpture for Australia's national apology to victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse

Focus of the Day Article:
The Serious Fraud Office’s desire to pursue so-called ‘blockbuster’ cases against multinationals is taking its focus away from targeting other fraudsters – some of which may have caused greater damages to businesses, City lawyers have claimed. The number of restraint orders, which allow the SFO to confiscate assets suspected to be the result of fraud, halved from eight in the year ending 31 March 2017 to four in the past year. At the same time, the SFO has embarked on high profile cases against major companies including Barclays and reached a record deferred prosecution agreement with Rolls Royce.

Saturday Conversations on Law


24th October - Law News

2494th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: As a result of President Donald Trump's trade wars with China and other countries, US farmers are seeing a surplus in perishable goods. In good years, cargo trains moving west along the flat, sweeping grasslands of North Dakota’s plains are a sign of money rolling in. Today, as tariffs from America’s largest foreign soybean market -- China -- threaten to upend the industry, many trains sit idle. “There are no shuttle trains leaving. There is no nothing,” said Joe Ericson, the 38-year-old president of the North Dakota Soybean Growers Association. “They can’t get rid of the beans.”

Focus of the Day Article:
The legal profession will have to develop “cyber ethics” to cope with the very different issues that the growing use of technology is having on the practice of law, a leading academic has suggested. Professor Richard Moorhead said “a whole system approach” was necessary. He explained: “We will need a cybernetic legal ethics to cope with interlocking technologies, logics and values that should the demanded of a good legal system.”
Full story - Legal Futures

Saturday Conversations on Law


23rd October - Law News

2493rd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: BBC News's Suzanne Kianpour investigates claims that Russia is meddling in the run-up to the US midterms. She spoke to two BBC journalists, World Affairs Correspondent Paul Wood and Security Correspondent Gordon Corera about the credibility of the allegations and how Russia might be tapping into the United States' weaknesses.

Focus of the Day Article:
Austerity harms hunt for sexual abuse gangs, says ex-prosecutor. Cuts have ‘come at the wrong time’ after the Rochdale case raised national awareness, says former CPS expert Nazir Afzal. 
Full story - The Observer

Saturday Conversations on Law


22nd October - Law News

2492nd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: A brief introduction for consumers of legal services on how to make sure you get the best possible service from your lawyer. For more information, read the SRA's information on how to get the best from your solicitor

Focus of the Day Article:
A ‘Hatton Garden’ type burglary now pays less than a shoplifting case and ‘resumption of action’ is ‘inevitable’, criminal defence barristers have warned this week. Heads of chambers are due to meet at the end of October to discuss what action to take if the Ministry of Justice does not honour its £15m offer in full and compensate for delays in implementing the offer. 
Full story - New Law Journal

Saturday Conversations on Law