
10th August - Law News

1689th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Lawyers, Law, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation & Rights.

Today's video story: Indian activist Irom Sharmila has ended her 16-year-long hunger strike against a controversial security law, in order to compete in local elections. Her campaign, described as the world's longest hunger strike, had led to her being detained, and forced fed through a tube in her nose for over a decade. She was held under a law that makes attempting suicide a crime.

Focus of the Day article:  The MP leading a review of racial bias and representation in the criminal justice system says judicial diversity will be one of the key aspects of his final recommendations. David Lammy (pictured) told the Gazette that there is no problem with the supply line of black and minority ethnic (BAME) lawyers in the profession, so he wants to pin down why they do not progress to the bench. Full story - The Law Society Gazette

Saturday Conversations on Law


9th August - Law News

1688th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Lawyers, Law, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation & Rights.

Today's video story: Thousands of women and girls are being trafficked to Italy from Nigeria, into a life of forced prostitution. Freeing girls trafficked to Italy for sex: 'You will not be a slave for ever'.

Focus of the Day article:  There’s only one way to fix this child abuse debacle – listen to the victims. This ill-fated inquiry must return to first principles. Record the dreadful narratives of what happened. Then the next steps will be clear. Full story - Guardian Law

Saturday Conversations on Law


8th August - Law News

1687th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Lawyers, Law, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation & Rights.

Today's video story: Julian Assange Special: Do Wikileaks have the email that'll put Clinton in Prison?

Focus of the Day article: “Lawyerless” justice could encourage two-tier justice system. Lord Justice Briggs’s plans to modernise and digitise the civil courts structure have received a mixed reception from lawyers. Bar Chairman Chantal-Aimée Doerries QC says that moves towards introducing online courts with minimum assistance by lawyers could lead a two-tier justice system. Full story - New Law Journal

Saturday Conversations on Law


7th August - Law News

1685th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Lawyers, Law, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation & Rights.

Today's video story: England's riots five years on: 'It was off the scale'. On 4 August 2011 Mark Duggan was shot and killed by police in Tottenham, north London, sparking the largest civil unrest the UK has seen for a generation. 

Saturday Conversations on Law


6th August - Law News

1684th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Lawyers, Law, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation & Rights.

Today's video story: As Russia prepares to go to the polls next month, the BBC meets Anna Gaskarova, whose husband Alexei was sentenced to more than three years in jail after taking part in a political protest.

Saturday Conversations on Law


5th August - Law News

1683rd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Lawyers, Law, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation & Rights.

Today's video story:
The International Organisation for Migration says 4,027 have drowned this year - three quarters of them in the Mediterranean.  

Focus of the Day Article: support programme will launch later this month to help more women, black, Asian and minority ethnic (BME) candidates and those from a ‘less advantaged’ background become High Court judges. Courts and Tribunals Judiciary said the initiative will take effect for those interested in applying to a High Court judge-selection exercise planned for January 2017. Thirty support places are expected to be available. Full story - The Law Society Gazette

Saturday Conversations on Law