
28th July - Law News

1310th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: A report by the Bar Council into the experience of female barristers has found that many feel pushed into traditional ‘women’s practice areas’ such as family and sex crime. Full story - The Lawyer

Saturday Conversations on Law


27th July - Law News

1309th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: The government has confirmed increases in court fees for divorce proceedings, possession claims, and general applications in civil proceedings and announced a new consultation on further hikes. This means that fees will increase: from £280 to £355 for issuing a possession claim in the county court; from £50 to £100 for general applications in civil proceedings for an application by consent and from £155 to £255, for a contested application (extensions to vary or extend an injunction for protection from harassment or violence are excluded); and from £410 to £550 for issuing divorce proceedings (with fee remission for those who need it, such as women in low wage households). Full story - New Law Journal

Saturday Conversations on Law


26th July - Law News

1308th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
Our last Saturday Law Interview featured Dr. Steven Vaughan, a former city solicitor and now a legal academic with expertise on the laws regarding the regulation of nanotechnology as well as the standard and quality of legal advice offered by corporate law firms: 'Regulating nanotechnology & the quality of corporate legal advice'.

Saturday Conversations on Law


25th July - Law News

1307th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
Our last Saturday Law Interview featured Dr. Steven Vaughan, a former city solicitor and now a legal academic with expertise on the laws regarding the regulation of nanotechnology as well as the standard and quality of legal advice offered by corporate law firms: 'Regulating nanotechnology & the quality of corporate legal advice'.

Saturday Conversations on Law


24th July - Law News

1306th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: Practitioner groups have described Thursday's meeting with the justice secretary as ‘potentially constructive’ as a nationwide boycott over legal aid cuts looks set to continue. Representatives from the London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association, Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association and Big Firms Group met with Michael Gove at the Ministry of Justice’s headquarters in Petty France, London, for 45 minutes, followed by a meeting with MoJ advisers. The Criminal Bar Association did not attend the meeting. Full story - The Law Society Gazette

Saturday Conversations on Law


23rd July - Law News

1305th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: An equal gender balance among practising barristers is “unlikely ever to be achieved” if current trends continue, a Bar Council report has warned.The report found that the “lower propensity” of women to move into practice and “higher attrition rate” in practice meant that only if almost 60% of those called to the Bar were women would equality then prevail in the ranks of practising barristers. Full story - Legal Futures

Saturday Conversations on Law


22nd July - Law News

1304th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: Number of home-grown litigants in the Commercial Court sees record spike in 2014/15. 'The Commercial Court also has the lure of specialist judiciary,' comments litigation expert. Full story - Solicitors Journal

Saturday Conversations on Law


21st July - Law News

1303rd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap
FOCUS OF THE DAY: When the economy crashed seven years ago, so did people’s trust in business, to the detriment of society and UK plc. It’s time to start earning it back. The financial crisis that began in 2008 ensnared many victims, ranging from entire banks to ordinary citizens. In the aftermath it became clear there was another casualty: trust in business. Full story - The Lawyer

Saturday Conversations on Law