
21st February - Law News

2613rd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: Musa Syeed’s evocative short film “The Dispossessed,” premiered at the Sundance Film Festival this year. The film shows how Mohammed Shafi Hazari, a traditional faith healer, exorcises patients who've been possessed. But in Kashmir, amidst the world’s longest running conflict, nothing is as it seems. A xerox technician by day, Hazari has a faith healing practice, looking for signs his patients might be possessed by a jinn. Bu more often than not, he finds what his patients call possession may actually be depression, triggered by a conflict that has dragged on for decades.

Focus of the Day Article:
Takling the 'stubbornly low' number of female partners in large law firms along with under representation of people from minority ethnic communities in senior roles is the key to creating a judiciary more representative of society as a whole, the lord chief justice said last night. In a lecture ‘A changing judiciary in a modern age’, the Lord Burnett of Maldon said that it was inevitable that the judiciary reflected society as it was several decades ago, when current judges completed their education, rather than today. He noted that, since 1991, the ethnic minority population of the UK has increased from 5.5% of the total to 14%. 'A bare comparison between the proportion of ethnic minority judges and the current overall ethnic minority population will not take these factors into account.'
Full story -The Law Society Gazette

Saturday Conversations on Law