
2nd July - Law News

2380th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: A video of a child apparently getting kidnapped in India has gone viral in India, leading people to attack strangers. The local police are now using social media to reveal the truth and reassure locals.

Focus of the Day Story: Parties to commercial litigation must disclose all ‘smoking guns’ under draft disclosure rules due to be piloted in the Business and Property Courts in January. The Civil Procedure Rules Committee approved the draft rules this month and is likely to finalise its approval when it meets again in July. The draft rules, first published in November by a disclosure working group of judges and senior litigators, have been fine-tuned to take account of feedback from a three-month, 26-event roadshow. Full story - New Law Journal

Saturday Conversations on Law