
2nd May - Law News

2319th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's Video Focus: In Nigeria, thousands of young people are addicted to codeine cough syrup – a medicine that’s become a street drug. But who makes this syrup? And who sells it to Nigeria’s students?

Focus of the Day Story: 'In December 2017 Cafcass issued a practice note entitled Cafcass and the Work of Independent Reviewing Officers. As somebody who is involved in care cases day in and day out, I was prompted by reading this practice note to ask myself whether I have ever seen an IRO or heard directly from one in any of the cases in which I have been involved? I have racked my brains, but I cannot think of any instance.' By Gabrielle Jan Posner, Barrister and Recorder, Trinity Chambers Chelmsford. Full story - Family Law Week

Saturday Conversations on Law