
13th April - Law News

1934th Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based news & legal articles archive focusing on Law, Lawyers, Law Firms, Justice, Legislation, Legal Ethics, Human Rights & Social Justice issues.

Today's video story: In Korea, the murder of a young woman in the affluent Gangnam district has ignited a vicious public debate about the country's entrenched misogyny. Feminists blamed Korea's gender inequality and took to the streets which sparked counter protests from men's rights defenders who felt men were unfairly attacked. This debate intensified online where feminists mirror the name-calling men direct at them. But these tactics only made the men angrier. And for some, this online conflict has painful real-life consequences.

Focus of the day story:  The Legal Ombudsman is increasing its budget by £1m for the next financial year – the first time the organisation has increased spending since its formation. Umbrella body The Office for Legal Complaints has proposed a total budget for 2017/18 of £14.63m, with £11.63m covering the legal services jurisdiction and £3m to cover complaints about claims management companies. This is £1m more than budgeted spend for 2016/17. The increase, revealed in documents presented to last month’s Legal Services Board meeting, reflects what are termed as ‘CMC bad debt expenses’, which are expected to increase significantly. Full story - The Law Society Gazette

Saturday Conversations on Law