
4th July - Law News

1652nd Edition: LawNewsIndex is a UK based Law, Justice, Legislation & Rights related daily news & legal articles archive brought to you by TheLawMap

FOCUS OF THE DAY: Lawyers are looking to re-register in Ireland so they can continue to practise law in the EU. Tina Williams, Chair of Fox Williams, says: “Once we leave the EU formally, UK law firms will need to re-establish their right to operate offices and UK lawyers to practise EU law in EU countries. “Hence the rush by lawyers to become registered on the roll of solicitors in Ireland. We expect to be very busy restructuring law firms and advising lawyers who do not want to be confined to practising solely in England and Wales. Full story - New Law Journal

Saturday Conversations on Law
Today's video story: The End of China’s ‘Bang-Bang Army'. On the steep streets of Chongqing, impoverished porters, known as “bang-bang,” help carry goods for anyone willing to pay a small fee. But today their occupational existence is under threat.